Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Tip of the Burin Peninsula

If you live in Newfoundland or have even seen the map you'll know of many very cool distinguishing features.  One of those is the Burin Peninsula.  It is our boot-like shape. Very different from Italy but there it is - geography which looks like a boot!  If you travel within Newfoundland I'd recommend a visit to the Burin Peninsula.  It is about 150 km from main highway to the first large communities, Marystown and Burin, and the drive is quite something.  Large, open vistas - beautiful.

Just last summer we drove around the tip of the Burin Peninsula. We left our nice B&B at Marystown and spent most of the day driving and stopping before making our way back to Marystown. The landscape was amazing and differed from many other parts of the province. We stopped at St. Lawrence, where the U.S.S. Truxton and Pollux went ashore in 1942.  Sailors were rescued by local miners. The route takes you past the ferry to Saint-Pierre and Miquelon, the French (yes, France) islands 25 km from Newfoundland. Lovely place.

Not far from St. Lawrence stands a little but very cool forest of windmills.  Very impressive.


  1. Those windmills are very impressive!

  2. Thanks for visiting Lisa!
    The pics don't do justice; it's quite beautiful there.
